Everything (so far) about Flute Etudes
- they can lack enough gorgeous etudes that a flutist can really fall in love with in their collection (and be playing off random photocopies with no composer's name nor opus number)
- they can, possibly accidentally, be playing Virtuoso Etudes when there may be more appropriate graded etudes that won't strain the embouchure over long practice sessions like some "work-outs" can (don't forget Andersen injured his tongue trying to out-do his imagined competition and ended his own career).
- they can possibly be just "playing through" a favourite page of an oft repeated etude for fun without making any daily technical improvements. Although we all want to have fun etudes to play, we also want to be improving each time.
So to be fairly sharing all that I know I went through my past blogposts and have linked all the best information about etudes that I've written to date, below.
Enjoy! Many have links to free etudes.
And comment below if you have favourites to add (comments can take a few hours to appear as they are moderated to avoid spam).
Best and hope this helps get all the info. in one place,
Graded flute exam syllabus that includes quality etudes by name and publisher (in pdf)
How to learn flute etudes
Jen's favourite etudes list (with links)
Beginner/Novice Etudes (a teacher asks)
Kummer op110 Etudes for Intermediates (with practice videos)
Making etudes easier for yourself (de-monstering advanced etudes)
J.S. Bach works used as Etudes
Using Etudes for Sightreading
___________________end list so far 2025