Jacob Collier's Creativity
Dear Flutelovers,
I may be late to the party but I'm thrilled to discover Jacob Collier's harmonizations and how he thinks them up!
No, this isn't strictly flute-related, but it's musically fascinating. This young person plays guitar, piano and sings, and his parents are both classical musicians. Enjoy this; it's like meeting J.S. Bach and watching how he works!!
Moon River by Jacob Collier (video)
Jacob Collier on how he wrote moon river (this is set to start a few minutes in): (video)
Interview about his education and upbringing: (video)
Want to see more? To see his oldest videos (12 years ago when he's a young teen) just click on the word Oldest here: (All videos)
Update 2025
A good BBC documentary about Jacob Collier in his 20s: (video)
Best, Jen
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