Friday, December 17, 2010

Digitally Ubiquitous - Jen's profile in Flutist Quarterly

Dear Flutists,

My flutey life in print! Eeek!
But I have to show you the cover too!
The cover term: Digitally Ubiquitous, ha hahahahaa!
Whooooo! That just cracks me right up! :>D

You can click on the pictures to enlarge them. Just use the backbutton to return here.

And where did this Cluffy profile come from?
Well, my good pen-pal-friend and fellow flutist, Jerry Pritchard published a profile on "moi" for The Flutist Quarterly Magazine. What a lovely article and what a lovely writer. Thanks so much Jerry!

If any flutey reader has any follow-up questions, fire away!
Yes, I do live on less than $5000 a year. Yes, I do indeed practice along with recordings of great symphonic literature, by changing the sound files to A-440. Yes, I do have strange things glued on my flute. (a la Moyse's and Baxtresser's flutes). And yes, we do commute by small boat to get home each evening. Yes, yes, yes it is crazily alternative, but hey.... This is your life! ha ha!

The profile is in the Fall 2010 issue. I'm hugely grateful that this particular issue is so full of brilliant articles. It's a real KEEPER!!! Huge thanks to the writers, editors, and hardworking staff at Flutist Quarterly. Made my year to be included in an issue like this! So amazingly high quality!
Best, and huge hugs all around,


  1. WOW! I always wondered about your background and how you came to be on the internet: before I could afford lessons, I sought out your website in order to educate myself: now that the lessons have started, I go to yur page to get tips and remind myself of good habbits I have been letting go of. It has been really wonderful to have all of this information available and I thank you so much!

  2. Dear Flutists, someone just emailed to ask about buying the issue and subscribing to the Flutists Quarterly. So I looked up the information, see below. Best, Jen
    Info from:

    Flutist Quarterly Magazine online:

    Join the National Flute Association:

    membership & e-membership*
    active membership $85 e-membership*: $65
    student membership $45 e-membership: $35

    What is the difference between a membership and an e-membership?

    E-members receive all of the same benefits as members, except e-members are not mailed the The Flutist Quarterly. Instead, this publication is made available for download from the NFA web site. E-memberships were designed as an alternative for non-U.S. members who pay postage expenses and receive delayed postal delivery of NFA publications, or for anyone who would prefer to receive NFA publications online only and pay lower dues.

    Am I able to purchase back issues of the Flutist Quarterly?
    Yes; they are available through the NFA Store for $10.00 per issue, plus shipping.
    Go to:

    International Shipping Fee for books/magazines:

    Benefits of membership are enjoyed by all NFA members whether living inside or outside the United States. However, because of the high cost and special handling requirements of mailing outside of the United States, international members are required to pay the additional postage fee below. Note, however that e-members are not subject to these additional fees.

    Canada and Mexico $22/year
    All Other Countries $31/year


    active membership
    Active members receive a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly, the member magazine of the National Flute Association; access to member profiles on the NFA Web site and to a PDF posting of the annual directory of membership listing contact information for all NFA members; the opportunity to attend the annual convention held each August in rotating cities throughout the U.S.; the opportunity to apply for competitions and masterclasses; borrowing privileges from the NFA Music Library, a collection of more than 15,000 works; eligibility for low-cost instrument insurance; and the opportunity to network with flutists from all over the U.S. and internationally, including professionals, students, amateurs, teachers, and students.

    student membership
    Student members receive the same benefits that active members receive, minus voting rights. To apply for this level, member must be a full-time student at a qualified institution.

    library membership
    Library members receive a subscription to The Flutist Quarterly. Library members do not receive any other NFA mailings or benefits. Library members are listed in a separate section in the annual roster of membership.

    *e-members receive publications via the NFA web site only.

  3. Congratulations on a wonderful interview--and thank you for sharing the information on Flutist Quarterly!

    Happy new year! :^)

  4. Thanks Delaire!

    Happy New Year to everyone from here! :>)


  5. Congratulations Jen! This is quite an honor. I actually always save my Flutist Quarterly.

    Less than $5,000 a year? That is truly amazing. All the best for the new year!


  6. Dear Barbara,

    Thanks. I have had the proclivity to live without much money all my life. When I was a little kid, I used to save up my $1 a week allowance to buy one pair of really good wool socks. I guess I thought I lived in a century of thriftiness; my mother still laughs about it.
    All the best, J.

  7. NO way you are living on less than $5000 a year on Vancouver Island
    unless it is your husband who already owns a house......
    On your own you'd probably be homeless on that budget.

  8. Yes, you guessed right; someone owns the house, and I pay a very small rent.
    If I had to pay full rent, I'd have to go out to work twice as much.
    I earn less than EI or Welfare, that's for sure.
    Good thing I make my own clothes, cook from scratch and have hobbies that cost literally pennies. I also use the library a lot.
