Monday, March 28, 2011

New Carnegie-RCM flute syllabus free online

Dear Flutists,

Carnegie Hall educational programs for young musicians has joined together with the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto to create a North America-wide exam system for musical achievement: the Carnegie Hall Royal Conservatory Achievement Program

The new Carnegie/NCM graded flute exam syllabus (free) covers from grade 1 to 10 plus "A.R.C.T" (Associateship Diploma.)
Link updated March 2018:

Syllabus in pdf:


The syllabus gives the teacher and student the titles and publishers of a large variety of quality flute sheetmusic at each grade level, so that you can easily guage the difficulty of many works from many music styles for flute teaching and for performance repertoire in contrasting styles.

Having a modern flute syllabus is terrific for flute students for choosing their own new works at their current grade level, or surveying the skills required of the grades above. An "exam syllabus" means the pieces and etudes are grouped together with required sight-reading, ear-training, scales, arpeggios, musicianship, orchestral excerpts. Pieces, excerpts, scales and etudes are all itemized for each flute grade level. Even if you are not taking the exam, you'll be curious as to how to progress through the literature, and this syllabus gives you a great survey.

And if students and teachers want to survey a flute grade by listening to sound files and play-testing the sheetmusic, the flute grades 1 through 8 are available with the "Overtone" books for flute. Selections from each grade of the syllabus are recorded and published in the Overtones flute sheetmusic series.

The flute sheetmusic in these books is fantastic! I ordered them last summer and have been working all year with them. What a great selection of student-loved repertoire! And so up to date! Check out the Overtone book descriptions and indexes at Frederick Harris Music Publishers . Follow the Flute links to Overtones - A Comprehensive Flute Series which is the full title of graded series of books for flute.

Download the Carnegie flute syllabus here.

Read the New York Times article on this new venture here.

I think this is BRILLIANT, and that every flute teacher and student would love to use this syllabus for rating the difficulty level in new repertoire.
Check it out. (And no, I'm not related to the publisher or anything, I'm just a proud Canadian!)
As pedagogerie goes, this is seriously wonderful news! It's so nice to be unified and have room for new flute composers aplenty as well. This really invigorates the flute world!

Best, Jen


  1. Don't know if you have this already: Gergely Ittzes has a very extensive multiphonics fingering chart (with clear explanations of how to read the very compressed fingering notation) on his website. Also some recordings and other bits and pieces. Pizzicato flutes ... :D

  2. Thanks for the multiphonic fingering chart link! I wish it weren't half jpeg, half pdf, but it's really condensed, as you say. THANKS. Yes, Ittzes works are great in the flute quartet videos.
    I just love that pizzicato.
    Thanks for the links Triduana.
    Best, Jen
