Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Art of Playing the Flute!!! The Book

Yes, the Mather Book is Available from 2024 until way past 2040!!

Amazing response from so many readers! Thankyou everyone!
Yes, I'm still sending out Roger Mather's e-book/pdfs to flutey folk, with over 1600 copies sold.
Can't believe how friendly everyone in the flute world is!
Such terrific feedback! Thank you again everybody!
The Art of Playing the Flute is currently available will continue to be available through my website in perpetuity. (which means that all book orders are filled for years to come.) Ordering information is below.
It is a book meant for advanced or intermediate flutists and teachers.
If you are a beginner, read this.
 All best, Jen

Dear Flute Lovers, (still true in 2021!)

Here is the long awaited fantabulous flute book event of the decade!
This is to announce the newest flute publication,
an ebook/pdf version of the amazing book
The Art of Playing the Flute, by Roger Mather.


This new edition is the entire three volume set of books (first published in the 1980s, and originally sold as three individual books), now combined into a single volume, and emailed to you as a pdf attachment for use at home, studio or for the practice room. (Yes, in 2021-2030!)

View the incredibly comprehensive Table of Contents as well as a biography of the author. Ordering information is below.

Note: Use the BACK button to return here after seeing the Table of Contents.

The Roger Mather "Art of Playing the Flute" book is so many things: it's brilliant, it's easy to use, it's the most helpful flute book I've ever found, it's concise, it's the only one of its kind, and it's priced very low so everyone can afford it ($22 Canadian dollars) and it is useful to any intermediate or advanced flutist, and of course an amazing resource for flute teachers.

Each copy arrives engraved with your own name, (if buying as a gift, please give the name of the recipient when you order) and you can view it on any ebook reader, or print it out (250 pages) and spiral bind it for your music stand, or simply hole-punch and put it in a binder.

Seriously, this is the all time BEST book for flutists to own, for working with and without their teacher (over the holidays etc.)! The book is full of experiments that really work to improve breathing,flute embouchure, tone colours, tonguing and every facet of the art of flute playing.


To order, send a paypal for $22 to jen(at) jennifercluff (dot) com or email me at the same address to check first, if you like.

Just click on the BUY NOW button (or any donate button on my site), use Canadian dollars for $22, put a "message" to me on it, giving me the name of the book recipient. (You can send me an email if you can't find the "message" button).

Roger Mather Art of Playing the Flute

I usually send out orders the same day.

And if you don't use Paypal but a friend or colleague does know how, just pay them, and let them pay me on your behalf. (be sure and send a message giving the name to be inscribed on the book.)

If you wish to use the phone to read a credit card number, call in a gift certificate to a flute store for me. Thanks so much!


The pdf file is 2.4 megabytes, and can be saved onto your computer as an attachment and printed at your leisure. You can also take it to a copy shop to be printed (double-sided) and bound (spiral binding good for music stands).

One of the benefits of having these workbooks as pdf files, is that you can navigate by using the left margin thumbnails.

Note: Click on samples to enlarge, then use the BACK button to return here after viewing these jpegs.

You also can jump to any point of the book with the hyperlinked table of contents:

And all internal references (such as: go back to page 93) are also hyperlinked! (you can click on them to jump to where you want to go.)

And you can read the whole book wherever you are on your laptop (view of two-page spread) or reference any page in lessons using an ipad or any kind of e-book reader:

Note: Click on samples to enlarge, then use the BACK button to return here after viewing these jpegs.

My huge thanks to both Roger Mather, for allowing me to become the "publisher" of this updated and affordable version of his workbooks (volumes I, II and III) and to Betty Bang Mather, who helped at every step of the way.

This is a thrill, and I'm almost completely speechless.
What a wonderful project. Huge thanks to everyone who helped: The Mathers, my husband, and my fellow flute professors and proofreading flute friends.
This is one of the most incredible projects I've had the chance to take part in, and I'm just in love with this book!

Lots of related and topical blog posts to follow (and more on upcoming pdf sheetmusic too.)

Best, Jen

P.S. The music for the opening of the video is one of the pieces I'm putting together as sheetmusic. Our Delphinus Trio performed an arrangement I wrote; The Lark Ascending, for Flute, Cello, Piano by Vaughan Williams. It's taken from the original 1914 violin and piano version by the composer. Soon to be coming to this blog!! Thanks for asking. :>)

RAVE REVIEWS for The Art of Playing the Flute
Micah Layne wrote:
Dear Jen,
Thank you so much for the e-book. I have been looking forward to studying Roger Mather's teachings for some time and this format is exactly what I was looking for. I believe this resource belongs in every flutists library. In my opinion, so much of the experimental work that needs to be done by developing flute students can be found in these "pages". By allowing students to have a resource like this, we encourage people to take flute study into their own hands and discover what really works for them. I know too many people who are passively waiting for their flute teachers (if they have teachers) to give them the secrets of the flute that will solve all of their problems. The only secret I know of is that everyone has to find their own path and live it.

In this digital age, the transfer of information in electronic mediums is necessary to get the information to people who need it. The digital format and distribution of this text is exactly what is needed in today's world. Isn't it amazing that technology allows people the opportunity to hear performances of world class flutists for free? This same technology allows us to share the wonderful information that is contained in Roger Mather's flute book.

I have also been an avid reader of your flute materials and would like to thank you for your tireless enthusiasm and dedication not only to the world of flute, but to music education. By sharing knowledge, you have touched the lives of countless people across the world that you have not met. Some people aspire to be famous, but I aspire to be like those who have helped me and others in this life. You are one of those great people.
Mahalo Nui Loa, (Thank you very much - in Hawaiian)

Micah Layne
Dean Stallard wrote:

IMHO Mather's "The Art of Playing the Flute" is one of the most important pieces of literature written on how to play the flute. Basically any question ever raised on one of these forums on the technicalities of flute-playing could be answered by a reference to Mather's work-books. His thorough analysis on the differences of every aspect of poor, mediocre, good and outstanding playing, along with experiments to help apply the knowledge to each individual should make these workbooks an essential part of the library of anyone serious about the flute, not least the serious teacher.
How can you help a student find solutions if you don't understand the root of the problem? This set-up as an e-book takes the work to another dimension as the
ease of finding things makes it an excellent reference for the working teacher and not just a work-book for the serious student. That it is now available as an e-book means that it is now affordable to the serious student too!

Dean Stallard - flute teacher and performer, Oslo School of Fine Arts
PPS. Thankyou so much Dean! Jen
Dear Jen
As a doubling woodwind player (sax/flute/clarinet/bassoon more or less in that order!) this book is by far the most useful text I've come across in nearly 50 years of playing. The instructions on using the abdominal wall correctly are a revelation to me. Thank so much for making this book available...I'll recommend it to all my students.
Best wishes, MT.

Rachel Stevenson

3:14 AM (13 hours ago)
to Jen
Hello Ms Cluff,

I want to thank you for making The Art of Playing The Flute available. I wanted to wait until I had finished it to send you an email, but I am right in the middle of it now (working through a chapter a day with my practice) and the beauty of it is that one can never be ‘finished’ with it. It is truly a remarkable book. This year, after eight years of private flute lessons, I have decided to continue independently. I still get nervous thinking about it, but this book has been a huge help. I am slowly understanding the theory behind all the elements I was taught in my lessons, and it is helping me to expand my knowledge for my own teaching. This book is making me more aware of all the elements of playing the flute, and I feel more confident in explaining the principles to my students. So thank you, once again. I would never have been able to learn from this book if you hadn’t made it available through your website, but now I can’t imagine what I would do without it.

Warmest regards,


  1. -------
    This email is from a successful Kobo reader user who converted the Mather book into a great read:
    The Art of Playing the Flute is a pdf, and I wanted to change it to be easy to read on my Kobo.
    Here's what I found to use:

    Calibre is a free download public domain software for managing all aspects of ebook files. I was able to convert the Mather pdf in a few moments. Here is the link to the download site.

    The book now looks GREAT!
    And the nice thing about this is that is completely public domain and non-commercial, so no spam or other nonsense. But you do have to spend a few minutes learning to use the software.
    Thankyou R!!

  2. __________________

    From Vince:

    Quickest Method for moving the downloaded PDF to a KINDLE (rather than using the e-mail method).

    1. Plug in the KINDLE to the computer with the USB cable.

    The KINDLE will show up in the window as an external hard drive. Open this by clicking on the KINDLE HD icon.

    2. Simply highlight and drag the PDF from the computer to the Documents Folder in the KINDLE. Voila!

    (The original PDF will stay in the computer and a duplicate will be in the KINDLE - unless deleted by the User.)

    From Jackie:

    I sent the book's pdf file to my kindle email address. Then I received this information on email:

    We have also archived your document in your Kindle Library. For more information about archiving personal documents, visit
    Note: Retrieving archived personal documents is currently supported on these Kindle devices: Kindle Keyboard, Kindle Touch, and Kindle.

    You can learn more about transferring personal documents to your Kindle in our help pages:

    After I was told that my document was archived into my Kindle Library, I went to MANAGING YOUR KINDLE. I saw the Art of Playing the Flute among the list of my books. I pressed "actions" over on the right and chose "deliver to my Kindle". It appeared on my Kindle.

    Then I increased the font size by using AA on my Kindle keypad. It all worked!
    Thanks again.
    No doubt other kindle users will want to know how easy this is.
    Best, Jen

  3. Just wanted you to know, that I refer EVERY flute player I know to your site! Your "word" on flute is GOLDEN!

    I was recently shopping for a new flute, read your reviews, tried out a few different flutes...and ended up going with the Azumi 3000! So very happy! You are always spot-on. I just want to thank you. It is a wonderful, beautiful flute!

    I started playing again this year (after +25 years of not) and have found so much help on your site, that I'm overwhelmed (in a good way).

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

  4. Thank you so much Geri-Ann, so exciting to hear! THANKYOU! Jen

  5. Feedback from Irish Wooden Flutist
    Dear Jen,

    Thanks so much for your (very) quick response! These books are the best thing I have ever seen. My personal experience as a Boehm flute student was quite small, and none of those teachers dealt with basic techniques. Then I switched over to the Irish flute. Technique in the Irish tradition covers mainly the music and its styles - but there are students of mine - as well as myself - who really need the information in these books, and now you've made them available!

    You mentioned feedback - these books provide the missing links! in
    particular they are a map through the maze of contradictory explanations from other written sources. Dr. Mather is truly a brilliant man. But you know all that! Congrats on a (an enormous) job well done, digitising these.

    Have been and still am a big fan of your tips and experiences. Based on your recommendation on one of your web pages, I bought Dr. Mather's embouchure volume this past year (after injuring my pinkie finger with too much pressing effort). Just the other day, I went looking for clarification on something in there and discovered you'd put out the pdf of all three books!

    I'm considering posting a link to your download on face book, Mike Rafferty books websites, the woodenflute list, and to the "Chiff and Fipple" flute
    community for Irish flute. Here's hoping this will bring you some good result! as well as getting the word out on these fabulous books to the thousands of flute lovers in the Irish community. Best, L.
    Thank you L. So great to know how much information is cross-flute-style useful!
    Best, Jen

  6. Hi Jen,
    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your flute knowledge.
    I'm from Mexico City and want to buy the Roger Mather's book. I would like to pay with my mastercard, since there is high charge for me if I pay with paypal. How can I make my payment with security?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Violeta Cantu

  7. Hi Violeta,
    Sorry it took me a few minutes to check my comments to allow moderation; so your message did get through, but doesn't print out until I moderate all comments from today. So here's the answer:
    You can use Mastercard at or or www.fluteworld or for a gift certificate for $22. More info. on this method of payment here:
    That's the only way I can take a credit card is if you use a service that sells books or sheetmusic such as Fluteworld or Amazon. Let them process your card and send me an email that says your gift certificate is processing, then I'll email you the book.
    Best, Jen

  8. Hi, Jen: Thanks again for the name-correction on my Mather e-book. What great explanations of all things fluteful! I've already fixed some of my embouchure issues thanks to Mather's very well thought out experiments. I'm the kind of person that really benefits from his analysis of what happens and why when blowing into the flute. It seems that this will be a great guide as I (hopefully) continue to improve over the long haul.

  9. Thanks for your feedback, Walter.
    I'm really pleased you're finding the book so helpful. I did too. Of course you'll improve; knowing what to do and listening to hear if experiments are working starts to come naturally after working through the Vol. 2 embouchure exercises. That's what I find; it's long lasting information!
    Best, Jen

  10. This sounds like a very useful book. I would be willing to pay more for it and get a nice spiral bound hardcopy. Any chance of that happening?

  11. Dear Unknown,
    Spiral bound, hard copies of the Mather "Art of Playing the Flute" books are available at:
    and at Eble Music Publishers:

    They are $19 approx for each of the three volumes. ($19 x three).

    You can also print-off the e-book pdf that I sell at home, or at any
    print-shop and have them spiral-bind it for about $35 for three volumes. Your choice.

    The benefit of owning the e-book is that you can have both a printed copy for the music stand,
    as well as a carryable copy on a personal device (e-reader, iphone, laptop etc.)

    Best, Jen

  12. Dear Jennifer,

    I would like to order the book as a pdf. Do you still have it? How much do I have to pay for it and is the initial Paypall link still valid?

    Thanks in advance


  13. Hi Nalan,
    Yes, the book is avail. and the links work. Sept. 2014

  14. The complete three volume set of this book is always $22.

  15. Feedback from a reader:
    Hi Jen,

    Thank you for the quick response in sending me this pdf. Could not be happier with the wealth of "practical" information presented in this document for practice and experimentation. It will serve me well as I pursue my study of the flute. Thank you and Mr. Mather for making this available at such an affordable price! Also, enjoy the informative and instructive material that you so generously make available on the web--great and thank you!!

  16. hi
    ijust paypaled you'
    how do i get the pdf?

  17. Hi there! Paypal will automatically send me a receipt by email, which will give me your name and email. I email a pdf of the book to you based on my receiving the paypal receipt. It's one hr. since you wrote this, and your paypal must be delayed; if and when I receive it, I will send you the book as a pdf. Best, Jen

  18. Hello again to the person who paid, but did not get the book (two comments above this one). I see that your paypal is "epiano...." and I wrote to the email connected to that account to send you your book, but you are not picking up email at that address anymore, it seems. So unless you email me, we're not able to get in touch by email. I am: jen (at) jennifercluff (dot) com
    I refunded your payment today. We'll get this straightened out if you email me directly.
    Best, Jen

  19. Dear Jen,

    Are you still sending the book with the same Paypal protocol?
    Best regards,

  20. Yes, Oct 2020 still selling the book using Paypal.
    The paypal button wasn't functioning for a week or two, but is updated and functioning now for paying directly (click on Buy Now and you'll find it works now!). Thanks for asking. Jen
