Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Jen's Fave Rave Etude List

Dear Flute-lovers,
There was a question this week on one of the flute groups, all about advanced flute etudes. I thought that it might be helpful to collect all my Fave-Rave Flute Etude information in one place.

So here are my ravings, with as many links as I can locate.
 I love Etudes that are gorgeous and
Etudes that are oh so not horri-blech!
How about you?

Jen's Fave Etudes: by level of difficulty.


If you only buy one book for first time lessons (novice):

1. Blakeman Vol. 1 "The Flute Player's Companion"

Enjoyable Etudes: Fundamental daily exercises, short, nice to hear:

2. Galli Primo Grado op. 309 (free):

3. Quantz - 100 Exercises for Frederick the Great

If you only buy one book for novice-to-intermediate:

4. Drouet - 25 Famous Etudes

____________________ end novice level


If you only buy one-to-two books for intermediate:

5. "99 Solos & Studies for Flute"
 (first half of book, 2nd half is more advanced) from www.fluteworthy.com.au 

6. Berbiguer 18 Etudes

Free but marked:


7. Hughes 24 Studes opus 32& 75 
( Or on CDsheetmusic at: http://www.cdsheetmusic.com/products/disk_contents.php?product=46 
from www.cdsheetmusic.com)

8. Staccato arpeggio studies (free):

Ribas,José Maria "aire suizo" pdf 

Cristaldi "Arpeggio" at Fluteunes

9. J.S. Bach 24 Concert Studies (the easier ones) Free:

10. Donjon 8 Salon Etudes with Caprices:

11. Kummer 32 Amusantes op. 129 (Free):

12. Latin Etude by Mark Perry (was free online, but no longer can locate source; very fun rhythms; hope the composer puts it online again.)

Complex patterning: Intermediate to Advanced (FREE):

Andersen Etudes;
Opus numbers in order of difficulty: 41, 37, 33, 21, 30, 15.

All free at:

______________________end intermediate level


Beautiful and Melodious

13. Camus - Six Grandes Etudes opus 10

If you only buy one or two books for Intermediate-Advanced:
14.Cohen -  Bel Canto Flute The Rampal School

15. Stallman - The Flutist's Detache book



Expressive Etudes - Laura Barron
Boehm 24 Caprices
Paganini 24 Caprices
Six Tango Etudes by Piazzolla
Zgraja Flamenco Etudes

Etudes by: Bozza, JeanJean, etc. (ask your teacher for more titles.) are good for learning to read complex modern rhythms etc.

More information on how to work on Flute Etudes:

How to work on Etudes:

List of etudes by grade:

Beginner Etudes:

Intermediate to Advanced etudes ; 99 solos and studies:

More flute etudes online (intermediate):

Monster Etudes: GAK! (advanced etudes how-to)

De-Monstering 'tudes:

Advanced Etudes recommended:
(links provided at site above):

QUOTE from above reading list:
Almost all the books below are available at www.fluteworld.com or www.justflutes.com

Roger Mather - Author
The Art of Playing the Flute. Vol. 1 Breathing, Vol. II Embouchure Vol. III Posture, Fingers, Resonances, Tonguing, Vibrato
If you are looking for explanations for every facet of playing the flute well, then then three volume set of workbooks by Mather are unsurpassed. Every pointer and experiment you could possibly need are covered in his three volumes. You can use each experiment many times over the years to correct tone problems, and to ascertain flexibility in breathing, embouchure and tone colour. Highly recommended. E-book/pdf is only $22. Available on Jen Cluff's Blog. (here)

 Fiona Wilkinson:
The Physical Flute - great book for learning to relax and poise
posture while playing, and releasing tension for a soaring tone. Also
good info. for using vowel dynamics, playing soft high register etc.

Werner Richter:
Conditioning Training for the Flutist - a fabulous, detailed
explanation of all embouchure changes and suggestions for easiest
positions for maximum results (dramatic tone colours, easy high
register, very easy large-interval slurs etc.)

Sheryl Cohen:
Bel Canto Flute ~ The Rampal School - great focus on articulation with
breath support on every note. Terrific collection of pieces (Bach
etc.) and etudes studied with Rampal and Marion and all technical
notes made during 10 years of study.

Walfrid Kujala:
The Flutist's Vade Mecum - great resource for stabilizing fingerings
in fast and slow playing of scales, arpeggios and sequences. Very
relaxing, good fingering charts, very calming approach to finger

Robert Dick:
Tone Development Through Extended Technique - best book for developing
core of the sound through singing-playing, throat tuning, vowel
placement of interval leaps etc. Huge number of fingerings for
extended technique tone colours etc.

Etudes ~ Jen's Current Favourites: Advanced.

Paul Edmund-Davies - 28 Day Warmup - for intermediate/advanced flutists; highly intelligent and useful warmups and interval daily exercises. Highly recommended. Davies also has demonstration videos online.

Robert Stallman:
 The Bach Handbook - excellent intermediate level one-page studies
taken from suites, partitas and keyboard works. Beautifully editted.
Make terrific warmups (as do Julius Baker's Bach collections from
Arias and Oratorios.)

Robert Stallman:
The Flutist's Detache Book - for advanced students. Fabulous book with
hundreds of studies and pieces for single, and multiple tonguing.
Excellent in all respects!
Old standards, favourites:

Marcel Moyse: Titles:
 De La Sonorite - best ever tone development book
 Exercises Journaliers - great book for all finger technique
Twenty-four Melodious Studies with Variations - explains
simplification of etudes vs. the addition of variations that add
Gammes et Arpeges - a dictionary of every possible arpeggio and scale
Tone Development Through Interpretation - opera melodies to be played
in all registers with all dynamics; focus is on vocal quality and
extensive colouration and phrasing.

Enjoy working on your etudes and daily skill-building.
I like the fun, beautiful and melodious 'tudes, and I love simpler tuneful etudes for warming up staccato tonguing etc.
Very restful to visit old favourites.
Very nice to avoid horriblech opus 60s! ha!

Best, Jen


  1. Thank you so much for your in-depth information about everything flute-related. What a great resource! I have bookmarked many of your blog pages. I am "getting back into" playing the flute for the first time in 20 years, and appreciate all of your practical information, tips, book recommendations, etc. Your writing is great for more experienced musicians, but it is just as good for me, a person who is going back to basics and trying to play a few duets with my daughters on piano. Thanks for the motivation.

  2. Wow, Jennifer, thanks.
    What a wonderful comment.
    I'm so glad to be able to bridge the gap. :>)
    It's tricky to write right down the middle so that all readers can take something interesting away from the topics I choose to swarm in. :>)
    Thanks! I'm really glad to hear it. Happy fluting!
    Best, Jen
