Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jacot wins ARD - view videos

Dear Flutelovers,

One of my fave flutists played online for the ARD, livestream: Sébastian Jacot. He of lightest arms and most divine phrasing and style.
Have a look at his Gaubert Ballade from earlier in his career (video):

At the ARD competition, Jacot played his wooden flute for the CPE Bach in the semifinals and then a gold headjoint on a silver flute for the contemporary piece. Then he played the Finals, Reinecke Concerto, with the gold headjoint on a wooden body.  Amazing dexterity of lip.  (I just found the link to the video replay, so see the Semifinal and Final round by Jacot for yourself!)

Replay of all ARD Competition Videos.
Update - The above is no longer available online (May 2016)
So see all videos of these players here.

Note: Scroll down to FLUTE FINALS - Jacot.

My feeling?
The man *is* music.

Watching the semifinals again (and now the Reinecke which stunned me!), of all the competitors in the semi-finals, he was the only one who played the  contemporary piece for solo flute in a rhythmically fascinating way. He used freer air-sculpting and then long arcs of continuous pulse. He performs to the live space, and fills it with his fascinating ideas; so well thought out; so many ideas!  But most moving was his use of both human rhythmic pulse as well as nature-sound rhythms. (Ex: the almost random rhythms of birdcall, followed by connected phrases within a slow beating pulse). No other player seemed to do that; they played without pulse over long phrases I found and became disassociated quite quickly. (the contemporary "squeaks and squawks with no dramatic direction" problem).

 So, here is a fellow who listens to his world very closely and embodies it in time and space to make the acoustic space come alive for the audience NOW.
Amazing man with amazing ears. What a musician! Can't wait to hear him play again.
Interesting to see the five microphones used for the contemporary piece. Fascinating to know that we need those to play the quietest end of the modern flute (faint-wind, hiss and key-click sound effects).

Replay Jacot Semi-finals video.

Update 10 am (Pacific time), 

Dear Flutists,
This just in, Jacot has won first prize for Flute at the ARD competition in the Final round with the Reinecke Concerto.

If there will be replays of the Finals for Flute (the Reinecke), then I believe they will appear at the Replay link below, later today. Be sure and scroll down to FLUTE and then Finals when you arrive:

Replay of all ARD Competition Videos. (Finals were posted Sept. 14/15)

Meanwhile, you can see and hear Jacot and the other semi-finalists on replay.

Replays of the videos of the Flute semi finalists

Scroll down to find Flute (there is also Trombone/Voice etc.) when you arrive;
there's a big blank white space at the top.  Scroll, scroll, (sings: " scroll in zee hay......." an obscure Young Frank- Terry Garr quote). (ha ha.)

Hear Jacot wooden flute on CPE Bach then gold headjoint/silver body on Sciarrino:

Replay Jacot Semi-finals video.

All flute participants and read results for three rounds;
Read:  Participants Flute.

ARD website

Best, Jen (last update Sept. 14th)

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