Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Paul Edmund-Davies new teaching videos

Dear Flute-lovers,

Update Feb 14/17: Many many free new videos to see and pdfs to download now:
See all Resolflutions here:

Originally in early January I wrote:

An excellent introduction to " The 28 Day Warmup Book" by Paul Edmund-Davies.
How to perform his own warmups: Resoflution videos. Jan. 2017 release. Free.
Difficulty level see below.*

1. Sonority - Video (exercise sheets downloadable)

2. Articulation 1 -Video (exercise sheets downloadable)

Note of interest from Jen. re: Tonguing Through the Lips.

In the Articulation video, Paul demonstrates tonguing between the lips (which I do not do myself).
But Paul does answer a major question some students have: "Why do some people think that tonguing between the lips is useful? and others say: "Never do this"?

In the Articulation video above, Paul says that one single between-lips-tongue might be used on the starting note of a piece.

That is to say, you'd only use ONE of these lip-pops to begin a note for a cold start at the very beginning of a piece; but you would not continue to tongue between the lips after the very first note.

It's a rarely-used technique.
Some students might have heard of this exercise and thought it was for every note.
But when Paul goes to Huu, Tuu and Duu, you can clearly hear the normal way to articulate.

Comments welcome.
Best, Jen

* Difficulty level: For Novice to Intermediate students to listen and discover the sounds of....
For  Intermediates and Advanced Intermediates to practice as daily exercises.


  1. I have been going nuts lately listening/watching to advice on tonguing. Who knew that could be such a complex topic? I took a class from Keith Underwood and he says to always leave the back of your tongue (thick part) touching your back teeth. It's all very complicated when you're trying to play and have all this advice running through your head! What consonant sound to use when starting the note; what vowel sound to use when holding the note (that "switch" from the consonant to the vowel I still can't quite figure out) etc. I appreciated how you pointed out that there are different ways to tongue/articulate and none are right or wrong. Just various styles.

  2. Hi flutepeach,
    Yes. :>)
    It feels like you're being driven crazy when re-learning tonguing. I have had students trying to un-do anchor-tonguing, trying to learn NOT to tongue between the lips continuously, and trying to learn Du instead of Tu. Each one goes through a frustrating week or two, and then it seems; BOOM, the problem is solved.
    I know it always feels weird and complex at first, but then becomes normal; like speaking a language that has a new and unusual tongue movement in it (like German or Spanish).
    Hope your tonguing grooves into place.
    Best, Jen

  3. Hi Jen,

    Do you have any advice or feedback (or maybe you could do a post) on switching from the consonant when initially tonguing and then shifting to a vowel (oh, ooh, etc) after the initial tonguing? This is such a confusing topic to me! Thanks.

  4. Hi flutepeach,
    I've written articulation articles on my website; have you seen them?

    Does this help?


  5. second link should be:

    Typo sorry. Left the "2" out. Jen

  6. Hello, I wanted to ask what are the little keys on the right hand between the index and middle finger and the middle finger and ring finger used for? I have beem trying to find what they are called and what is the use since the fellow flute players in my section dont really seem to know why it is there and when do use them.

  7. Dear Brenda,
    Maybe everyone in the band is a beginner? Are there no teachers where you live?

    The little keys are called "Trill Key 1" and "Trill Key 2". They are used for trilling from C to D for example, or from C# to D. (or from C# to D#).
    They will be on any standard fingering chart.
    Do you have a fingering chart?
    Does it show them? It should do.
    There are many fingering charts here: that are free.
    If you want to look at all the keys on the flute in a diagram (with a fingering chart below) see:

    Flute for Dummies is actually a really smart book.

  8. PS. for Brenda:

    There is a coloured diagram of all the parts of a flute , including the names of the keys and levers here:

    Best, Jen

  9. If someone could direct me to the best resource a great flute player in Cuba would be grateful. My friend in Cuba in turning 80 years old in a few months. He is considered one of Cuba's greatest flute players and travels around the world as a member of a Cuban group playing traditional Cuban Danzon genre music. He plays an old ebony flute, and I wish to give him a second identical model so when his primary instrument fails or needs repair he is not "out of work". I want to make this second flute a birthday gift and I also plan to have his original flute reconditioned. I have photos of his flute so if someone knowledgeable in those flute types could advise me or direct me to an expert I would be grateful.

    Thank you,
    Cecil Jones

  10. Hi Cecile,

    It is like bringing coals to Newcastle. You're trying to buy a flute for an expert who knows a good charanga five key from a bad one.
    He himself would know who the flute makers are.
    I can only find this:

    Sue Miller Charanga Sue;

    Charanga style 5 key ebony cuban flutes for sale in US

    Best, Jen

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