Interesting bits of March
Dear Flute-lovers,
As March indeed marches toward Spring ( which is feeling so springy!) here are three things of interest: a flute performance that is stunningly beautiful, then something informative for beginner and novice flutists about hand position, and finally something wise and real for the experienced flutist...a mystery solved. Enjoy!
1. Interesting and Beautiful!
Jen says: I mean...why tie yourself in knots about breathing, when you are making such meaningful music?
Emily Beynon, flute & Emil Holmström, piano
Debussy: Prelude for the Afternoon of a Faun for flute and piano (video)
(the performance video will start at the Debussy flute/piano duo at end of recital)
2. Photos for Flute Novices and Beginners
A picture is worth a thousand words; hand position on the flute: Flutetalk article with photos!
3. Wise words from what is true, for the experienced Flutist:
Why Paul Edmund-Davies really left the London Symphony: Fluteview article.
Comments welcome! (they take a few minutes/hrs. to appear as they are read by me first, before appearing here.) All the best for a happily relieved Spring!! :>)
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