Monday, August 23, 2021

Round One of the Kobe Flute Competition!

 Dear Flute-lovers,

Only held every four years! What a thrill it's on again! The KOBE!!!!!!

Update: Sept 5/21: Contestants’ performance videos for Round One were streamed online for free at the Kobe youtube channel. On Sept. 5th Kobe announced 26 shortlisted contestants who have been selected to advance to the second round of the 10th KIFC, taking place in Bunka Hall Kobe on March 22-28th, 2022. 



As it happened (last week):

Kobe Videos Round One

Aug 26th: (video)

Jen says: Really enjoyed the 4th contestant: Riccardo Cellaccihi

The above video is set to start at Riccardo, the 4th Aug 26th contestant.


Aug. 27th: (video)


Aug. 28th: (video)
I really liked Darío Portillo's Bach performance. It was bewitching! The video is set to start at his performance as the third contestant August 28/21.

The JS Bach Suite II bwv 1008 played by Dario is free in pdf here.
Aug. 29th (video)
Today I really enjoyed the playing of Denis Savelyev !!

The Aug. 29th video is set to start at the fourth contestant.
Aug 30th: (video)
I was really interested in the interpretational individuality of Stefan Gottfried Tomaschitz, the final competitor in Aug. 30th's video. I'm now curious whether his idiosyncratic rhythmic ideas prevented him from advancing to the next round?
Aug 31st: (video)
Although the sound quality was a bit diffuse on the recording, I most enjoyed the performance by Ryo Shimizu. This video will begin at his performance, the last of this group on August 31/21:

I notice that so far I've been listing male flutists. Believe me when I say I wish there was a better gender balance so far in my "picks". doh. :>)
Sept. 1st: (video) There were several players that interested me with their presentations this morning, but most noticeable was Catherine Winters Boyack.
Sept. 2nd: (video)

Sept 3rd: (video
I enjoyed Pierre Hurbli's playing! Today's final video of Round One will begin at Pierre's performance.

End of Round One Kobe. 

Jen adds: Thanks to Dianne Winsor for updating us all about this event.