Nathan Cole's Excellent Teaching
Dear Flute-lovers,
Update Oct. 2019: Originally these excellent lectures on how to practice were given as a live event that you had to tune into, and now they are all at Cole's website/blog. Enjoy. Totally applicable to flute.
Violinist's practice "how to" videos that are directly applicable to flute, by Nathan Cole.
1. Mindset: (video)
2. Practice makes performance: (video)
3. Practice makes performance: (video)
Original post:
Nerds of all flute practice tricks unite! :>D Ha ha!
Unite your tiny nerdy flute-selves and head over to the excellent Nathan Cole Violin Facebook page and/or Natesviolin signup to see some amazing expert musical teaching on video! (insider's secrets of practicing that are massively applicable to the flute.) (!)
Note: you don't have to be a member of Facebook to see these videos or visit these sites; just say "Not now." if a pop-up asks you to sign-in; all is public and free. Click on the word VIDEO on the left hand column when you arrive if you are viewing live on Facebook:
Nathan Cole is a GREAT violin communicator! And he plays extensively with orchestra, so he's covering all of that finesse and knowledge, and more. I am feeling total expert musical/teaching corroboration and learning so so so much from watching his free, three-video violin "how to practice to improve" video interactive-intensive.
Almost ALL of it applies to flute, you'll see immediately.
Really worth viewing. Seriously. You will just know excellence when you see and hear it.
Nathan Cole also has a blog of interest, and a GREAT podcast.
Check these resources out.
This is how we need to teach the flute, yes it's true.
It's all so obvious what good communication about music is, once you see it done well.
Enjoy and comments welcome,
(I am no relation to this violin teacher and his excellent work, btw...although he was raised by fluteplayers. It's just a must see no matter what your instrument. )
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