James Galway Inteview on Fluteloops no. 2
Hello flute-teachers & flute-performers! :>)
I was thrilled to have a chance to speak with James Galway this past week, and create a new Fluteloops show out of our conversation. See:
Also, on my next show I hope to talk about the excellent Galway-Pahud interview.
So have a listen to both, and send your questions and comments.
And here's a new wrinkle! :>)
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Very cool way to keep up to date on the latest blogggggy bits and radio show episodes.
Jen :>D
I was thrilled to have a chance to speak with James Galway this past week, and create a new Fluteloops show out of our conversation. See:
Also, on my next show I hope to talk about the excellent Galway-Pahud interview.
So have a listen to both, and send your questions and comments.
And here's a new wrinkle! :>)
If you'd like to subscribe to this blog, you'll receive instant notifications of new mp3 radio shows as well as new blog posts that appear here.
Just scroll down and fill out the SUBSCRIBE box on the lower right of this page.
Very cool way to keep up to date on the latest blogggggy bits and radio show episodes.
Jen :>D
Comments (4)
Thankyou so much Alastair, Susan, Jim and Sandy (see below). All of your comments are a huge inspiration to me! It makes me want to keep trying to create this crazy little show each week. Thanks so much all of you!!
Note: I have collected some other comments from other listeners to the two Fluteloops show, and I will paste them below, so they can be included here. Most came from private email or public flute lists. thanks so much everyone!! Jen :>)
What a beautiful interview you did with Sir James. You are so kind
to share of yourself with all of us. I truly appreciate all that you
put in to your wonderful site. You are an awesome person.
Thanks again. Susan R.
Dear Jen --
"Fluteloops" is a terrific idea and a nice addition to your website.
I enjoyed your interview with Nathan Zalman, at the end of which an
excerpt from Nimrod follows your discussion of orchestra musicians
getting emotionally caught up in a performance.
This prompted me to dig out my CD recording of Elgar's Variations.
Listening to Nimrod again after an interval of many years, I heard
what sounds like a flute at the top of the melody line in the second
exposition of the theme (it's not a solo line so I can't be sure). I
grabbed my flute, switched to earphones and, after a few repeats, was able to play along. Vicarious pleasure, to be sure, but this is as
close as I'll ever get to playing in a symphony orchestra.
Even by itself, the melody (played at tempo) serves as a lovely long-
tone, warm-up exercise. Briskly playing each note as an eighth note
makes for a short but interesting E flat fingering exercise with
modest embouchure slurs for intermediate players like me.
I hope you will be pleased to learn that the fledgling "Fluteloops" has already sparked a creative couple of hours for one of its listeners.
Jim Petrie, Chicago
Hi Jen,
I listened to the first flute loop programme yesterday, and so enjoyed it! The genuineness of feeling and the humour conveyed in the interview made the show entertaining, but also 'demystifies' playing professionally. I had
to find a quiet moment at work to listen as at home I'm on a dial up
connection which is slower than an echidna crossing the road, but I think I'll be staying late at work on Friday night so I can hear episode two.....Great work!!
I'm a high school flute player and I was browsing your site, and I saw what you said about staying away from Gemeinhardt flutes. I was just wondering, what's wrong with them?
high school flautist
High school flautist again. I just wanted to request that you post some flute recordings on your site. I like to hear other people play so that I can get an idea of how I want to sound.
Thanks again!
Hi highschool player,
You can listen to ME play on Fluteloops no. 5.
My famous flute bloopers are on Fluteloops no. 7.
Look for links on the sitemap at:
You can listen to other flutists play (all ages, lots of professionals) at:
Gemeinhardts reportedly had "soft mechanism" according to quite a few flute technicians who write regularly on the net. They didn't hold their repairs, and the metal was too easily bent.
At any time they may improve, of course; but apparently there were corners cut in the manufacturing.
I went through University performance on a Gemeinhardt, in fact, but that was back in the late '70s when they were still quite sturdy. They went downhill after that for a few decades. And I wouldn't recommend the headjoints, or the slightly less-in-tune scale.
I would buy an AZUMI for the same price and get a much more professional sounding flute.
But if and when Gemeinhardts improve, I'll certainly be the first to recommend them.
Can't say that I've seen any good ones lately.